Phone: 09-442648588-99

Absences and Attendance Policy

Attendance is compulsory. We expect students to attend all classes punctually and regularly (minimum 75% attendance) as part of meeting satisfactory course requirements. Opportunities for academic success are enhanced when students are on time and in all classes daily. NIEC students are allowed no more than 10 unexcused absences per semester. Absences may be excused for the following reasons:

♦ Illness (with Medical Certificate)

♦ Doctor’s appointment

♦ Death in the family

♦ Family emergency

The Class teacher will issue the first warning letter to the parent/ guardian and invite them to discuss the matter if the student is absent for more than 4 days in a certain month. 

The Principal will issue the second/ final warning letter if the student’s attendance is poor again after the first warning letter. It is the last warning and warning letters will not be issued for poor attendance in the future. The next step that the school will take is expulsion due to failure to meet the requirements of the course completion.


Leaving School Early

If a parent/ guardian requests that their child be excused at a time earlier than regular dismissal time, the student must submit the Early Out Form which is duly completed (time of departure and the approval from the teachers) to the office. Since the hours spent in class are important to the student’s educational success, parent/ guardian are advised to request the early dismissal for the matters of urgency and necessity that cannot be handled outside of school hours. 

Leave Applications

In case of parents/ guardians requesting leave, they must submit a formal request to the Principal and the Class teacher in advance, notifying dates and the reason for absence. Each application is considered fully by the student’s class teachers and the Principal, before being granted.